Western Digital

Backup and Instant Recovery with Azure Stack HCI

There are numerous benefits to deploying a hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI) system: scalability, performance, flexibility, security, and in most cases, management. An HCI deployment is suitable for edge, remote, or branch-office environments or large enterprises with the ability to easily scale storage requirements from TBs to PBs. Even more importantly, HCI can be rolled out on-premises, Backup and Instant Recovery with Azure Stack HCI

DataON AZS-6212 Integrated System for Azure Stack HCI Better Together with Western Digital Technology

DataON AZ-6212 Integrated System for Azure Stack HCI DataON offers complete integrated systems for Microsoft Azure Stack HCI. The DataON AZS-6212 is one of our Integrated Systems, optimized for performance and expansion. It’s built on the new subscription-based Azure Stack HCI OS, streamlined for ease of management and hyper-converged efficiency. It includes OS-integrated Azure Services DataON AZS-6212 Integrated System for Azure Stack HCI Better Together with Western Digital Technology

Western Digital Delivers Extreme Server Performance, Mobility and Military-Grade Toughness at the Edge

Western Digital’s new server offerings are more mobile and tougher than ever before. The new Ultrastar Edge and Ultrastar Edge-MR servers enable organizations to deploy remote data capture and analytics at the edge. By processing the data closer to the source, organizations can lower latency and reduce the amount of traffic on the network backbone. Western Digital Delivers Extreme Server Performance, Mobility and Military-Grade Toughness at the Edge

Five Western Digital Technologies That Power DataON Solutions for Azure Stack HCI

There are many storage options for DataON solutions for Azure Stack HCI. But when it comes to high-capacity storage solutions, DataON chooses Western Digital hard disk drives (HDDs), JBODs, and hybrid server technologies for their reliability, performance, and technological innovation. Here are five Western Digital technologies that power DataON solutions Azure Stack HCI. 1. WD Five Western Digital Technologies That Power DataON Solutions for Azure Stack HCI